Healthy Sleep Habits
Health and Wellness Christa Svoboda Health and Wellness Christa Svoboda

Healthy Sleep Habits


I assume I’m not the only mom who needs that as the first 3 words on healthy sleep habits. But it’s so much easier said than done! When there is finally stillness and silence, and all you want to do is delight in the lack of sounds and get something accomplished without an interruption, the discipline to GO TO BED is almost impossible. And while there is beauty in the renewal and checking off of the “to do list” that comes in the late night hours, the long term health that comes with the sleep is something you can’t ignore.

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How to Create a Culture of Rest in Your Home
Health and Wellness, Parenting Christa Svoboda Health and Wellness, Parenting Christa Svoboda

How to Create a Culture of Rest in Your Home

Rest is not part of the natural rhythm of most families. Society tells us that if we have any open time, we can, and maybe should, say yes to another commitment. That space of open time in your schedule means time to plan a social gathering, time to schedule in an extra curricular activity, time to do something for a dear friend… and sometimes those are the best choices! But sometimes, the best choice is to leave that margin of space in your life for rest.

Rest is not a luxury, it is necessary! And if you don’t plan a rhythm of rest in your life, no one will do it for you.

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How to Create a Beautiful New Normal
Home, Health and Wellness Christa Svoboda Home, Health and Wellness Christa Svoboda

How to Create a Beautiful New Normal

I don’t want to plan this fall!

Usually I look forward to fall! It’s a time of re-grounding, re-prioritizing, choosing new commitments and saying no to old commitments. All things baked, pumpkin spice or caramel with everything, re-gathering with friends who we haven’t seen as often as usual because of differently full summer schedules, field trips being planned, Mom’s Night Out back on the calendar… I LOVE THIS TIME! But this year it’s different.

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A Day of Rest
Health and Wellness Michelle Acromi Health and Wellness Michelle Acromi

A Day of Rest

Since the start of 2019, my husband and I decided to have a weekly rhythm of remembering and observing the Sabbath for our family. Until then, there was no rhythm of rest in our weekly rhythm – holidays, sickness and vacation were our times of rest. Yeah. Can you say “burnout”?

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